User cookbook

Linux (from packages)

Ubuntu / Debian

Download debian packages from latest release, go to the download directory, and run:

$ sudo apt install ./roc_*.deb ./libroc_*.deb ./libroc-dev_*.deb

Or install from package manager:

$ sudo apt install libroc-dev roc-toolkit-tools


$ sudo dnf install roc-toolkit roc-toolkit-utils roc-toolkit-devel

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S roc-toolkit libpulse libsndfile sox

Alpine Linux

$ sudo apk add roc-toolkit roc-toolkit-libs roc-toolkit-dev


$ nix-shell -p roc-toolkit

Linux (from sources)

Ubuntu / Debian

# for Roc
$ sudo apt-get install g++ pkg-config scons ragel gengetopt libuv1-dev libunwind-dev \
    libspeexdsp-dev libsox-dev libsndfile1-dev libssl-dev libpulse-dev

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo apt-get install libtool intltool autoconf automake make cmake meson

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec install


# for Roc
$ sudo dnf install gcc-c++ pkgconfig scons ragel gengetopt libuv-devel libunwind-devel \
    speexdsp-devel sox-devel libsndfile-devel openssl-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo dnf install libtool intltool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec install


# for Roc
$ sudo zypper install gcc-c++ scons ragel gengetopt libuv-devel libunwind-devel \
    speexdsp-devel sox-devel libsndfile-devel libopenssl-3-devel libpulse-devel

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo zypper install pkg-config intltool libtool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec install


# for developer packages
$ sudo yum install epel-release

# for Roc
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ pkgconfig scons ragel gengetopt libunwind-devel \
    speex-devel sox-devel libsndfile-devel openssl11-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo yum install libtool intltool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=libuv,libatomic_ops,openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=libuv,libatomic_ops,openfec install

Arch Linux

# for Roc
$ sudo pacman -S gcc pkgconf scons ragel gengetopt libuv libunwind \
    speexdsp sox libsndfile openssl gsm libpulse

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo pacman -S grep gawk libtool intltool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec install

Alpine Linux

# for Roc
$ sudo apk add g++ pkgconf scons ragel gengetopt libuv-dev libunwind-dev \
    speexdsp-dev sox-dev libsndfile-dev openssl-dev pulseaudio-dev

# for 3rd-parties
$ sudo apk add libtool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec install


# for Roc and 3rd-parties
$ nix-shell -p gcc autoconf automake cmake gengetopt gnumake intltool libtool meson \
    pkg-config scons ragel \
    libuv libunwind speexdsp sox libsndfile openssl libpulseaudio

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec

Linux (cross-compile)

Raspberry Pi (64-bit)

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-aarch64-linux-gnu:gcc-7.4 \
      scons -Q \
        --host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
        --build-3rdparty=all \

# install Roc binaries
$ scp ./bin/aarch64-linux-gnu/roc-{recv,send,conv} <address>:/usr/bin
$ scp ./bin/aarch64-linux-gnu/*.* <address>:/usr/lib

# install Roc dependencies
$ ssh <address> apt-get install libasound2 libpulse0 libltdl7

Raspberry Pi 2 and later (32-bit)

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-arm-linux-gnueabihf:gcc-4.9 \
      scons -Q \
        --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf \
        --build-3rdparty=all \

# install Roc binaries
$ scp ./bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf/roc-{recv,send,conv} <address>:/usr/bin
$ scp ./bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf/*.* <address>:/usr/lib

# install Roc dependencies
$ ssh <address> apt-get install libasound2 libpulse0 libltdl7

Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero (32-bit)

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi:gcc-4.7 \
      scons -Q \
        --host=arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi \

# install Roc binaries
$ scp ./bin/arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi/roc-{recv,send,conv} <address>:/usr/bin
$ scp ./bin/arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi/*.* <address>:/usr/lib

# install Roc dependencies
$ ssh <address> apt-get install libasound2 libpulse0 libltdl7

OpenWrt (MIPS32 24Kc, Artheos, musl)

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-mips-openwrt-linux-atheros:17.01 \
      scons -Q \
        --host=mips-openwrt-linux-musl \
        --build-3rdparty=all \
        --disable-libunwind \
        --disable-pulseaudio \

# install Roc binaries
$ scp ./bin/mips-openwrt-linux-musl/roc-{recv,send,conv} <address>:/usr/bin
$ scp ./bin/mips-openwrt-linux-musl/*.* <address>:/usr/lib

# install Roc dependencies
$ ssh <address> opkg install libstdcpp librt alsa-lib

OpenWrt (MIPS32 24Kc, Artheos, uClibc)

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-mips-openwrt-linux-atheros:12.09 \
      scons -Q \
        --host=mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc \
        --build-3rdparty=all \
        --disable-libunwind \
        --disable-pulseaudio \
        --disable-sox \
        --disable-sndfile \

# install Roc binaries
$ scp ./bin/mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc/roc-{recv,send,conv} <address>:/usr/bin
$ scp ./bin/mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc/*.* <address>:/usr/lib

# install Roc dependencies
$ ssh <address> opkg install libstdcpp librt alsa-lib



Then you can run the following commands:

# for Roc
$ brew install pkg-config scons ragel gengetopt libuv speexdsp sox libsndfile openssl@3

# for 3rd-parties
$ brew install libtool autoconf automake make cmake

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build libraries and tools
$ scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec PKG_CONFIG=`brew --prefix`/bin/pkg-config

# install libraries and tools
$ sudo scons -Q --build-3rdparty=openfec PKG_CONFIG=`brew --prefix`/bin/pkg-config install


See also

Building C library for Android using Docker

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build for 64-bit ARM, API level 28
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-linux-android \
      scons -Q \
        --disable-tools \
        --compiler=clang \
        --host=aarch64-linux-android28 \

# build for 32-bit ARM, API level 28
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-linux-android \
      scons -Q \
        --disable-tools \
        --compiler=clang \
        --host=armv7a-linux-androideabi28 \

# build for 64-bit Intel, API level 28
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-linux-android \
      scons -Q \
        --disable-tools \
        --compiler=clang \
        --host=x86_64-linux-android28 \

# build for 32-bit Intel, API level 28
$ docker run -t --rm -u "${UID}" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
    rocstreaming/toolchain-linux-android \
      scons -Q \
        --disable-tools \
        --compiler=clang \
        --host=i686-linux-android28 \

Building C library for Android natively


  • Install Android SDK command-line tools, in particular sdkmanager.

  • Ensure that sdkmanager is in PATH and working.

  • Ensure that ANDROID_HOME is exported and points to the root directory of Android SDK.

  • Install scons.

Then you can run the following commands:

# install Android components (you can use higher versions)
$ sdkmanager 'platforms;android-29'
$ sdkmanager 'build-tools;28.0.3'
$ sdkmanager 'ndk;21.4.7075529'
$ sdkmanager 'cmake;'

# add toolchains to PATH
$ export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/21.4.7075529/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin:$PATH"

# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd roc-toolkit

# build for 64-bit ARM, API level 24
$ scons -Q \
      --disable-soversion \
      --disable-tools \
      --build-3rdparty=all \
      --compiler=clang \

# build for 32-bit ARM, API level 24
$ scons -Q \
      --disable-soversion \
      --disable-tools \
      --build-3rdparty=all \
      --compiler=clang \

# build for 64-bit Intel, API level 24
$ scons -Q \
      --disable-soversion \
      --disable-tools \
      --build-3rdparty=all \
      --compiler=clang \

# build for 32-bit Intel, API level 24
$ scons -Q \
      --disable-soversion \
      --disable-tools \
      --build-3rdparty=all \
      --compiler=clang \