Roc Toolkit internal modules
Roc Toolkit: real-time audio streaming
roc::core Namespace Reference

General-purpose building blocks and platform abstraction layer. More...


union  AlignMax
 Maximum aligned data unit. More...
class  AlignOps
 Alignment operations. More...
class  AlignedStorage
 Fixed-size maximum-aligned storage. More...
class  ArenaAllocation
 Allocation policy for objects allocated using IArena. More...
class  PoolAllocation
 Allocation policy for objects allocated using IPool. More...
class  CustomAllocation
 Allocation policy for objects with custom deallocation function. More...
class  ManualAllocation
 Allocation policy for objects that does not have automatical deallocation. More...
class  Array
 Dynamic array. More...
class  Atomic
 Atomic integer. Provides sequential consistency. For a fine-grained memory order control, see AtomicOps. More...
class  Atomic< T * >
 Atomic pointer. Provides sequential consistency. For a fine-grained memory order control, see AtomicOps. More...
class  Buffer
 Fixed-size dynamically-allocated buffer. More...
class  BufferFactory
 Buffer factory. Allows to instantiate fixed-size buffers. More...
class  EndianOps
 Endian operations. More...
class  GlobalDestructor
 Allows to determine if global library destruction was initiated. More...
class  Hashmap
 Intrusive hash table. More...
class  HashmapImpl
 Intrusive hash table internal implementation. More...
class  HashmapNode
 Base class for hashmap element. More...
class  HeapArena
 Heap arena implementation. More...
class  IArena
 Memory arena interface. More...
class  IPool
 Memory pool interface. More...
class  List
 Intrusive doubly-linked list. More...
class  ListNode
 Base class for list element. More...
struct  LogMessage
 Log message. More...
class  Logger
 Logger. More...
class  MemoryOps
 Memory operations. More...
class  MpscQueue
 Thread-safe lock-free node-based intrusive multi-producer single-consumer queue. More...
class  MpscQueueImpl
 Multi-producer single-consumer queue internal implementation class. More...
class  MpscQueueNode
 MpscQueue node. More...
class  NonCopyable
 Base class for non-copyable objects. More...
class  Optional
 Optionally constructed object. More...
class  SharedPtr
 Shared ownership intrusive pointer. More...
struct  RefCountedOwnership
 Reference counted object ownership. More...
struct  NoOwnership
 No ownership. More...
class  Printer
 Printer. More...
class  RateLimiter
 Rate limiter. More...
class  RefCounted
 Base class for object with reference counter. More...
class  RefCountedImpl
 Implementation class for reference counter. More...
class  ScopedLock
 RAII mutex lock. More...
class  ScopedPtr
 Unique ownrship pointer. More...
class  Seqlock
 Seqlock. More...
class  SlabPool
 Memory pool. More...
class  SlabPoolImpl
 Memory pool implementation class. More...
class  Slice
 Slice. More...
class  StringBuffer
 String buffer. More...
class  StringBuilder
 String builder. More...
class  StringList
 Dynamic list of strings. More...
class  Console
 Console. More...
class  LogBackend
 Log backend. More...
class  AtomicOps
 Atomic operations. This wrapper exists because on non-C11 compilers we use another implementation. More...
class  Semaphore
 Semaphore. More...
class  Cond
 Condition variable. More...
class  CrashHandler
 Crash handler. More...
class  errno_to_str
 Convert errno to string. More...
class  Mutex
 Mutex. More...
class  Singleton
 Singleton. More...
class  TempFile
 Temporary file. More...
class  Thread
 Base class for thread objects. More...
class  Ticker
 Ticker. More...
class  Timer
 Thread-safe timer. More...


typedef size_t hashsum_t
 Hash type. More...
typedef void(* LogHandler) (const LogMessage &message, void **args)
 Log handler. More...
typedef uint32_t seqlock_version_t
 Type for holding seqlock value version. Version is changed each value update. May wrap. More...
typedef int64_t nanoseconds_t
 Nanoseconds. More...


enum  HeapArenaFlags { HeapArenaFlag_EnableLeakDetection = (1 << 0) , HeapArenaFlag_EnableGuards = (1 << 1) }
 Heap arena flags. More...
enum  { DefaultHeapArenaFlags = (HeapArenaFlag_EnableGuards) }
 Default heap arena flags. More...
enum  ColorsMode { ColorsAuto , ColorsEnabled , ColorsDisabled }
 Colors mode. More...
enum  LocationMode { LocationEnabled , LocationDisabled }
 Location mode. More...
enum  SlabPoolFlags { SlabPoolFlag_EnableGuards = (1 << 0) }
 Memory pool flags. More...
enum  { DefaultSlabPoolFlags = (SlabPoolFlag_EnableGuards) }
 Default memory pool flags. More...
enum  Color {
  Color_None , Color_None , Color_White , Color_Gray ,
  Color_Red , Color_Green , Color_Yellow , Color_Blue ,
  Color_Magenta , Color_Cyan
 Color ID. More...
enum  Color {
  Color_None , Color_None , Color_White , Color_Gray ,
  Color_Red , Color_Green , Color_Yellow , Color_Blue ,
  Color_Magenta , Color_Cyan
 Color ID. More...
enum  clock_t { ClockMonotonic , ClockUnix }
 Clock identifier. More...


void print_backtrace_full ()
 Print backtrace to stderr. More...
void print_backtrace_safe ()
 Print backtrace to stderr (emergency mode). More...
const char * demangle_symbol (const char *mangled, char *&demangled_buf, size_t &demangled_size)
 Demangle symbol name. More...
uint16_t ntoh16u (uint16_t v)
 Network to host byte order (unsigned 16-bit). More...
int16_t ntoh16s (int16_t v)
 Network to host byte order (signed 16-bit). More...
uint32_t ntoh32u (uint32_t v)
 Network to host byte order (unsigned 32-bit). More...
int32_t ntoh32s (int32_t v)
 Network to host byte order (signed 32-bit). More...
uint64_t ntoh64u (uint64_t v)
 Network to host byte order (unsigned 64-bit). More...
int64_t ntoh64s (int64_t v)
 Network to host byte order (signed 64-bit). More...
uint16_t hton16u (uint16_t v)
 Host to network byte order (unsigned 16-bit). More...
int16_t hton16s (int16_t v)
 Host to network byte order (signed 16-bit). More...
uint32_t hton32u (uint32_t v)
 Host to network byte order (unsigned 32-bit). More...
int32_t hton32s (int32_t v)
 Host to network byte order (signed 32-bit). More...
uint64_t hton64u (uint64_t v)
 Host to network byte order (unsigned 64-bit). More...
int64_t hton64s (int64_t v)
 Host to network byte order (signed 64-bit). More...
uint32_t fast_random_range (uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
 Get a random integer from a non cryptographically secure, but fast PRNG. Thread-safe. More...
uint32_t fast_random ()
 Get a random integer from a non cryptographically secure, but fast PRNG. Thread-safe. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (int16_t)
 Compute hash of 16-bit integer. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (uint16_t)
 Compute hash of 16-bit integer. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (int32_t)
 Compute hash of 32-bit integer. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (uint32_t)
 Compute hash of 32-bit integer. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (int64_t)
 Compute hash of 64-bit integer. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_int (uint64_t)
 Compute hash of 64-bit integer. More...
template<class T >
hashsum_t hashsum_int (T t)
 Compute hash of an integer. This fallback is needed for the cases when the overloads above do not cover all builtin types. E.g. if none of the overloads above covers unsigned long or unsigned long long. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_str (const char *str)
 Compute hash of zero-terminated string. More...
hashsum_t hashsum_mem (const void *data, size_t size)
 Compute hash of byte range. More...
void panic (const char *module, const char *file, int line, const char *format,...)
 Print error message and terminate program gracefully. More...
ROC_ATTR_NODISCARD bool parse_duration (const char *string, nanoseconds_t &result)
 Parse duration from string. More...
void print_buffer (const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const uint16_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const uint32_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const uint64_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const int8_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const int16_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const int32_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const int64_t *data, size_t size)
 Print buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const float *data, size_t size)
 Print floats buffer. More...
void print_buffer (const double *data, size_t size)
 Print floats buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const uint8_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const uint8_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const uint16_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const uint16_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const uint32_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const uint32_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const uint64_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const uint64_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const int8_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const int8_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const int16_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const int16_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const int32_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const int32_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const int64_t *inner, size_t inner_size, const int64_t *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const float *inner, size_t inner_size, const float *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
void print_buffer_slice (const double *inner, size_t inner_size, const double *outer, size_t outer_size)
 Print a slice of a buffer. More...
bool seqlock_version_is_dirty (seqlock_version_t ver)
 Check if given seqlock version corresponds to dirty value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== (const SharedPtr< T1 > &a, const SharedPtr< T2 > &b)
 Equality check. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const SharedPtr< T1 > &a, const SharedPtr< T2 > &b)
 Equality check. More...
void cpu_relax ()
 CPU pause instruction. More...
void die_fast (int code)
 Terminate program. More...
void die_gracefully (const char *message, bool full_backtrace)
 Terminate program with error message and backtrace. More...
nanoseconds_t timestamp (clock_t clock)
 Get current timestamp in nanoseconds. More...
void sleep_until (clock_t clock, nanoseconds_t timestamp)
 Sleep until the specified absolute time point has been reached. More...
void sleep_for (clock_t clock, nanoseconds_t duration)
 Sleep specified amount of time. More...
std::tm nanoseconds_2_tm (nanoseconds_t timestamp)
 Convert timestamp in nanoseconds format to broken-down time. More...
nanoseconds_t tm_2_nanoseconds (std::tm tm)
 Convert timestamp from broken-down time to nanoseconds format. More...
bool ns_equal_delta (nanoseconds_t a, nanoseconds_t b, nanoseconds_t delta)
 Compares a and b if they close enough. More...


const nanoseconds_t Nanosecond = 1
 One nanosecond represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Microsecond = 1000 * Nanosecond
 One microsecond represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Millisecond = 1000 * Microsecond
 One millisecond represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Second = 1000 * Millisecond
 One second represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Minute = 60 * Second
 One minute represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Hour = 60 * Minute
 One hour represented in nanoseconds. More...
const nanoseconds_t Day = 24 * Hour
 One day represented in nanoseconds. More...

Detailed Description

General-purpose building blocks and platform abstraction layer.

Typedef Documentation

◆ hashsum_t

typedef size_t roc::core::hashsum_t

Hash type.

Definition at line 21 of file hashsum.h.

◆ LogHandler

typedef void(* roc::core::LogHandler) (const LogMessage &message, void **args)

Log handler.

Definition at line 98 of file log.h.

◆ nanoseconds_t

typedef int64_t roc::core::nanoseconds_t


Definition at line 58 of file time.h.

◆ seqlock_version_t

typedef uint32_t roc::core::seqlock_version_t

Type for holding seqlock value version. Version is changed each value update. May wrap.

Definition at line 26 of file seqlock.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Default memory pool flags.

Definition at line 33 of file slab_pool.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Default heap arena flags.

Definition at line 32 of file heap_arena.h.

◆ clock_t

Clock identifier.


Virtual monotonic clock.

Starts at unspecified point of time.

When platform supports it, uses the clock source that grows monotonically. It never jumps backwards and is not affected by system clock change.

This clock is still subject to clock rate adjustments applied by NTP daemon. When it performs synchronization, it may slightly speed up or slow down both unix and monotonic clocks for a while.

Usually this clock is reset after reboot. Usually this clock does not count time spent in suspended state.

If platform does not have monotonic clock source, unix clock is used. Actual precision is platform-dependent.

Real-time Unix-time UTC clock.

Starts at 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

May instantly jump forwards or backwards when system administrator sets time. May speed up or slow down when NTP daemon adjusts clock rate. May experience discontinuities when NTP daemon inserts leap seconds.

Available on all platforms. Actual precision is platform-dependent.

Definition at line 21 of file time.h.

◆ Color [1/2]

Color ID.

Definition at line 23 of file console.h.

◆ Color [2/2]

Color ID.

Definition at line 24 of file console.h.

◆ ColorsMode

Colors mode.


Automatically use colored logs if colors are supported.


Use colored logs.


Do not use colored logs.

Definition at line 54 of file log.h.

◆ HeapArenaFlags

Heap arena flags.


Enable panic if leaks detected in arena destructor.


Enable panic if memory violation detected when deallocating chunk.

Definition at line 24 of file heap_arena.h.

◆ LocationMode

Location mode.


Show location.


Do not show location.

Definition at line 61 of file log.h.

◆ SlabPoolFlags

Memory pool flags.


Enable guards for buffer overflow, invalid ownership, etc.

Definition at line 27 of file slab_pool.h.

Function Documentation

◆ cpu_relax()

void roc::core::cpu_relax ( )

CPU pause instruction.

Doesn't include any memory barriers, so the caller is responsible to insert them into the loop. Allowed to expand to nothing.

Definition at line 46 of file cpu_instructions.h.

◆ demangle_symbol()

const char* roc::core::demangle_symbol ( const char *  mangled,
char *&  demangled_buf,
size_t &  demangled_size 

Demangle symbol name.

This function is NOT signal-safe. It CAN use heap and stdio.
demangled_buf and demangled_size specify the buffer for demangled name. When necessary, this function malloc()s or realloc()s demangled_buf and updates demangled_size accordingly. The buffer may be NULL. The buffer may be resused across several calls. The user should manually free() the buffer when it's not needed anymore.
demangled symbol or NULL if the symbol can't be demangled.

◆ die_fast()

void roc::core::die_fast ( int  code)

Terminate program.

Terminates immediately without calling destructors and exit handlers.

◆ die_gracefully()

void roc::core::die_gracefully ( const char *  message,
bool  full_backtrace 

Terminate program with error message and backtrace.

Prints error message, backtraces, and terminates program with error.

◆ fast_random()

uint32_t roc::core::fast_random ( )

Get a random integer from a non cryptographically secure, but fast PRNG. Thread-safe.

random value between 0 and UINT32_MAX.

◆ fast_random_range()

uint32_t roc::core::fast_random_range ( uint32_t  from,
uint32_t  to 

Get a random integer from a non cryptographically secure, but fast PRNG. Thread-safe.

random value in range [from; to].

◆ hashsum_int() [1/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( int16_t  )

Compute hash of 16-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_int() [2/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( int32_t  )

Compute hash of 32-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_int() [3/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( int64_t  )

Compute hash of 64-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_int() [4/7]

template<class T >
hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( t)

Compute hash of an integer. This fallback is needed for the cases when the overloads above do not cover all builtin types. E.g. if none of the overloads above covers unsigned long or unsigned long long.

Definition at line 45 of file hashsum.h.

◆ hashsum_int() [5/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( uint16_t  )

Compute hash of 16-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_int() [6/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( uint32_t  )

Compute hash of 32-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_int() [7/7]

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_int ( uint64_t  )

Compute hash of 64-bit integer.

◆ hashsum_mem()

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_mem ( const void *  data,
size_t  size 

Compute hash of byte range.

◆ hashsum_str()

hashsum_t roc::core::hashsum_str ( const char *  str)

Compute hash of zero-terminated string.

◆ hton16s()

int16_t roc::core::hton16s ( int16_t  v)

Host to network byte order (signed 16-bit).

Definition at line 59 of file endian.h.

◆ hton16u()

uint16_t roc::core::hton16u ( uint16_t  v)

Host to network byte order (unsigned 16-bit).

Definition at line 54 of file endian.h.

◆ hton32s()

int32_t roc::core::hton32s ( int32_t  v)

Host to network byte order (signed 32-bit).

Definition at line 69 of file endian.h.

◆ hton32u()

uint32_t roc::core::hton32u ( uint32_t  v)

Host to network byte order (unsigned 32-bit).

Definition at line 64 of file endian.h.

◆ hton64s()

int64_t roc::core::hton64s ( int64_t  v)

Host to network byte order (signed 64-bit).

Definition at line 79 of file endian.h.

◆ hton64u()

uint64_t roc::core::hton64u ( uint64_t  v)

Host to network byte order (unsigned 64-bit).

Definition at line 74 of file endian.h.

◆ nanoseconds_2_tm()

std::tm roc::core::nanoseconds_2_tm ( nanoseconds_t  timestamp)

Convert timestamp in nanoseconds format to broken-down time.

std::tm has precision of one second.

◆ ns_equal_delta()

bool roc::core::ns_equal_delta ( nanoseconds_t  a,
nanoseconds_t  b,
nanoseconds_t  delta 

Compares a and b if they close enough.

◆ ntoh16s()

int16_t roc::core::ntoh16s ( int16_t  v)

Network to host byte order (signed 16-bit).

Definition at line 29 of file endian.h.

◆ ntoh16u()

uint16_t roc::core::ntoh16u ( uint16_t  v)

Network to host byte order (unsigned 16-bit).

Definition at line 24 of file endian.h.

◆ ntoh32s()

int32_t roc::core::ntoh32s ( int32_t  v)

Network to host byte order (signed 32-bit).

Definition at line 39 of file endian.h.

◆ ntoh32u()

uint32_t roc::core::ntoh32u ( uint32_t  v)

Network to host byte order (unsigned 32-bit).

Definition at line 34 of file endian.h.

◆ ntoh64s()

int64_t roc::core::ntoh64s ( int64_t  v)

Network to host byte order (signed 64-bit).

Definition at line 49 of file endian.h.

◆ ntoh64u()

uint64_t roc::core::ntoh64u ( uint64_t  v)

Network to host byte order (unsigned 64-bit).

Definition at line 44 of file endian.h.

◆ operator!=()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool roc::core::operator!= ( const SharedPtr< T1 > &  a,
const SharedPtr< T2 > &  b 

Equality check.

Definition at line 142 of file shared_ptr.h.

◆ operator==()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool roc::core::operator== ( const SharedPtr< T1 > &  a,
const SharedPtr< T2 > &  b 

Equality check.

Definition at line 136 of file shared_ptr.h.

◆ panic()

void roc::core::panic ( const char *  module,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  format,

Print error message and terminate program gracefully.

◆ parse_duration()

ROC_ATTR_NODISCARD bool roc::core::parse_duration ( const char *  string,
nanoseconds_t result 

Parse duration from string.

The input string should be in one of the following forms:
  • "<number>ns"
  • "<number>us"
  • "<number>ms"
  • "<number>s"
  • "<number>m"
  • "<number>h"
false if string can't be parsed.

◆ print_backtrace_full()

void roc::core::print_backtrace_full ( )

Print backtrace to stderr.

This function is NOT signal-safe It CAN use heap and stdio.

◆ print_backtrace_safe()

void roc::core::print_backtrace_safe ( )

Print backtrace to stderr (emergency mode).

This function IS signal-safe. It can NOT use heap and stdio.

◆ print_buffer() [1/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const double *  data,
size_t  size 

Print floats buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [2/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const float *  data,
size_t  size 

Print floats buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [3/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const int16_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [4/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const int32_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [5/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const int64_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [6/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const int8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [7/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const uint16_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [8/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const uint32_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [9/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const uint64_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer() [10/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer ( const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Print buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [1/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const double *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const double *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [2/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const float *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const float *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [3/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const int16_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const int16_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [4/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const int32_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const int32_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [5/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const int64_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const int64_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [6/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const int8_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const int8_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [7/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const uint16_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const uint16_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [8/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const uint32_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const uint32_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [9/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const uint64_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const uint64_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ print_buffer_slice() [10/10]

void roc::core::print_buffer_slice ( const uint8_t *  inner,
size_t  inner_size,
const uint8_t *  outer,
size_t  outer_size 

Print a slice of a buffer.

◆ seqlock_version_is_dirty()

bool roc::core::seqlock_version_is_dirty ( seqlock_version_t  ver)

Check if given seqlock version corresponds to dirty value.

Definition at line 29 of file seqlock.h.

◆ sleep_for()

void roc::core::sleep_for ( clock_t  clock,
nanoseconds_t  duration 

Sleep specified amount of time.

duration specifies number of nanoseconds to sleep.

◆ sleep_until()

void roc::core::sleep_until ( clock_t  clock,
nanoseconds_t  timestamp 

Sleep until the specified absolute time point has been reached.

timestamp specifies absolute time point in nanoseconds.

◆ timestamp()

nanoseconds_t roc::core::timestamp ( clock_t  clock)

Get current timestamp in nanoseconds.

◆ tm_2_nanoseconds()

nanoseconds_t roc::core::tm_2_nanoseconds ( std::tm  tm)

Convert timestamp from broken-down time to nanoseconds format.

std::tm has precision of one second.

Variable Documentation

◆ Day

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Day = 24 * Hour

One day represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 79 of file time.h.

◆ Hour

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Hour = 60 * Minute

One hour represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 76 of file time.h.

◆ Microsecond

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Microsecond = 1000 * Nanosecond

One microsecond represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 64 of file time.h.

◆ Millisecond

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Millisecond = 1000 * Microsecond

One millisecond represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 67 of file time.h.

◆ Minute

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Minute = 60 * Second

One minute represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 73 of file time.h.

◆ Nanosecond

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Nanosecond = 1

One nanosecond represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 61 of file time.h.

◆ Second

const nanoseconds_t roc::core::Second = 1000 * Millisecond

One second represented in nanoseconds.

Definition at line 70 of file time.h.