Roc Toolkit internal modules
Roc Toolkit: real-time audio streaming
► roc_address | |
► target_posix | |
► roc_address | |
socket_addr.h | Socket address |
addr_family.h | Address family |
endpoint_uri.h | Network endpoint URI |
endpoint_uri_to_str.h | Format EndpointUri to string |
interface.h | Interface ID |
io_uri.h | Audio file or device URI |
io_uri_to_str.h | Format IoUri to string |
parse_socket_addr.h | Parse address from string |
pct.h | Percent-encoding and -decoding |
print_supported.h | Print supported interfaces and protocols |
protocol.h | Protocol ID |
protocol_map.h | Protocol attributes map |
socket_addr_to_str.h | Convert network address to string |
► roc_audio | |
► target_speexdsp | |
► roc_audio | |
speex_resampler.h | Speex resampler |
builtin_resampler.h | Built-in resampler |
channel_defs.h | Channel layout, order, and positions |
channel_mapper.h | Channel mapper |
channel_mapper_matrix.h | Channel mapping matrix |
channel_mapper_reader.h | Channel mapper reader |
channel_mapper_writer.h | Channel mapper writer |
channel_set.h | Channel set |
channel_set_to_str.h | Format ChannelSet to string |
channel_tables.h | Channel tables |
decimation_resampler.h | Decimating resampler |
depacketizer.h | Depacketizer |
fanout.h | Fanout |
feedback_monitor.h | Feedback monitor |
frame.h | Audio frame |
frame_factory.h | Frame factory |
freq_estimator.h | Frequency estimator |
freq_estimator_decim.h | Frequency estimator config |
iframe_decoder.h | Audio frame decoder interface |
iframe_encoder.h | Audio frame encoder interface |
iframe_reader.h | Frame reader interface |
iframe_writer.h | Frame writer interface |
iresampler.h | Audio resampler interface |
latency_monitor.h | Latency monitor |
latency_tuner.h | Latency tuner |
mixer.h | Mixer |
null_writer.h | Null writer |
packetizer.h | Packetizer |
pcm_decoder.h | PCM decoder |
pcm_encoder.h | PCM encoder |
pcm_format.h | PCM format |
pcm_mapper.h | PCM format mapper |
pcm_mapper_reader.h | Pcm mapper reader |
pcm_mapper_writer.h | Pcm mapper writer |
print_supported.h | Print supported encodings |
profiler.h | Profiler |
profiling_reader.h | Profiling reader |
profiling_writer.h | Profiling writer |
resampler_config.h | Resampler config |
resampler_map.h | Resampler map |
resampler_reader.h | Resampler |
resampler_writer.h | Resampler |
sample.h | Audio sample |
sample_format.h | Sample format |
sample_spec.h | Sample specifications |
sample_spec_to_str.h | Format SampleSpec to string |
watchdog.h | Watchdog |
► roc_core | |
► target_android | |
► roc_core | |
console.h | Console functions |
log_backend.h | Log backend |
► target_c11 | |
► roc_core | |
atomic_ops.h | Atomic operations |
► target_darwin | |
► roc_core | |
semaphore.h | Semaphore |
► target_libatomic_ops | |
► roc_core | |
atomic_ops.h | |
► target_pc | |
► roc_core | |
log_backend.h | Log backend |
► target_posix | |
► roc_core | |
cond.h | Condition variable |
cpu_instructions.h | CPU-specific instructions |
crash_handler.h | Crash handling |
die.h | Program termination |
errno_to_str.h | Convert errno to string |
mutex.h | Mutex |
singleton.h | Singleton |
stddefs.h | Commonly used types and functions |
temp_file.h | Filesystem functions |
thread.h | Thread |
► target_posix_ext | |
► roc_core | |
semaphore.h | Semaphore |
► target_posix_pc | |
► roc_core | |
console.h | Console functions |
align_ops.h | Alignment operations |
aligned_storage.h | Aligned storage |
allocation_policy.h | Allocation policies |
array.h | Dynamic array |
atomic.h | Atomic |
attributes.h | Compiler attributes |
backtrace.h | Backtrace printing |
buffer.h | Buffer |
csv_dumper.h | Asynchronous CSV dumper |
endian.h | Endian conversion functions |
endian_ops.h | Endian operations |
fast_random.h | Helpers to work with random numbers |
global_destructor.h | Global destructor |
hashmap.h | Intrusive hash table |
hashmap_impl.h | Intrusive hash table implementation file |
hashmap_node.h | Hashmap node |
hashsum.h | Hash sum |
heap_arena.h | Heap arena implementation |
iarena.h | Memory arena interface |
ipool.h | Memory pool interface |
limited_arena.h | Limited Arena |
limited_pool.h | Limited Pool |
list.h | Intrusive doubly-linked list |
list_impl.h | Intrusive doubly-linked list implementation |
list_node.h | Linked list node |
log.h | Logging |
macro_helpers.h | Helper macros |
memory_limiter.h | Memory limiter |
memory_ops.h | Memory operations like poisoning, canary values, etc |
mov_stats.h | Rolling window moving average and variance |
mpsc_queue.h | Multi-producer single-consumer queue |
mpsc_queue_impl.h | Multi-producer single-consumer queue internal implementation |
mpsc_queue_node.h | MpscQueue node |
noncopyable.h | Non-copyable object |
noop_arena.h | No-op arena implementation |
optional.h | Optionally constructed object |
ownership_policy.h | Ownership policies |
panic.h | Panic |
parse_units.h | Parse units like duration, size, etc |
print_memory.h | Print memory to console |
printer.h | Console printer |
rate_limiter.h | Rate limiter |
ref_counted.h | Base class for object with reference counter |
ref_counted_impl.h | Implementation class for reference counter |
ring_queue.h | Queue on continuous memory buffer |
scoped_lock.h | RAII mutex lock |
scoped_ptr.h | Unique ownrship pointer |
seqlock.h | Seqlock |
seqlock_impl.h | Seqlock implementation |
shared_ptr.h | Shared ownership intrusive pointer |
slab_pool.h | Memory pool |
slab_pool_impl.h | Memory pool implementation class |
slice.h | Slice |
spsc_byte_buffer.h | Single-producer single-consumer circular buffer of byte chunks |
spsc_ring_buffer.h | Single-producer single-consumer circular buffer of copyable objects |
string_buffer.h | String buffer |
string_builder.h | String builder |
string_list.h | Dynamic list of strings |
ticker.h | Ticker |
time.h | Time definitions |
timer.h | Thread-safe timer |
uuid.h | UUID generation |
► roc_ctl | |
basic_control_endpoint.h | Base class for control endpoints |
control_interface_map.h | Control interface map |
control_loop.h | Control loop thread |
control_task.h | Control task |
control_task_executor.h | Control task executor |
control_task_queue.h | Control task queue |
icontrol_task_completer.h | Control task completion handler |
► roc_fec | |
► target_openfec | |
► roc_fec | |
openfec_decoder.h | Decoder implementation using OpenFEC library |
openfec_encoder.h | Encoder implementation using OpenFEC library |
codec_config.h | FEC codec parameters |
codec_map.h | FEC codec map |
composer.h | FECFRAME packet composer |
headers.h | FECFRAME headers |
iblock_decoder.h | FEC block decoder interface |
iblock_encoder.h | FEC block encoder interface |
parser.h | FECFRAME packet parser |
reader.h | FEC reader |
writer.h | FEC writer |
► roc_netio | |
► target_libuv | |
► roc_netio | |
basic_port.h | Base class for ports |
iclose_handler.h | Close handler interface |
iconn.h | Connection interface |
iconn_acceptor.h | Connection acceptor interface |
iconn_handler.h | Connection event handler interface |
inetwork_task_completer.h | Network task completion handler |
iresolver_request_handler.h | Resolver request result handler interface |
iterminate_handler.h | Termination handler interface |
network_loop.h | Network event loop thread |
network_task.h | Network task |
operation_status.h | Asynchronous operation status |
resolver.h | Hostname resolver |
resolver_request.h | Resolver request |
tcp_connection_port.h | TCP connection |
tcp_server_port.h | TCP server |
termination_mode.h | Connection termination mode |
udp_port.h | UDP port |
► target_posix | |
► roc_netio | |
socket_ops.h | Socket operations |
► roc_node | |
context.h | Node context |
node.h | Base class for nodes |
receiver.h | Receiver node |
receiver_decoder.h | Receiver decoder node |
sender.h | Sender node |
sender_encoder.h | Sender encoder node |
► roc_packet | |
► target_libuv | |
► roc_packet | |
udp.h | UDP packet |
concurrent_queue.h | Concurrent blocking packet queue |
delayed_reader.h | Delayed reader |
fec.h | FEC packet |
fec_scheme_to_str.h | FEC scheme to string |
icomposer.h | Packet composer interface |
ilink_meter.h | Link meter interface |
interleaver.h | Interleaves packets before transmit |
iparser.h | Packet parser interface |
ireader.h | Packet reader interface |
isequencer.h | Packet sequencer |
iwriter.h | Packet writer interface |
ntp.h | Utitilies for NTP timestamp |
packet.h | Packet |
packet_factory.h | Packet factory |
packet_flags_to_str.h | Packet flags to string |
print_packet.h | Print packet to console |
queue.h | Packet queue |
router.h | Route packets to writers |
rtcp.h | RTCP compound packet |
rtp.h | RTP packet |
shipper.h | Prepare and ship outgoing packets |
sorted_queue.h | Sorted packet queue |
units.h | Various units used in packets |
► roc_pipeline | |
config.h | Pipeline config |
endpoint_helpers.h | Validate endpoint protocols consistency |
ipipeline_task_completer.h | Pipeline task completion handler |
ipipeline_task_scheduler.h | Pipeline task scheduler interface |
metrics.h | Pipeline metrics |
pipeline_loop.h | Base class for pipelines |
pipeline_task.h | Base class for pipeline tasks |
receiver_endpoint.h | Receiver endpoint pipeline |
receiver_loop.h | Receiver pipeline loop |
receiver_session.h | Receiver session pipeline |
receiver_session_group.h | Receiver session group |
receiver_session_router.h | Receiver session router |
receiver_slot.h | Receiver slot |
receiver_source.h | Receiver source pipeline |
sender_endpoint.h | Sender endpoint pipeline |
sender_loop.h | Sender pipeline loop |
sender_session.h | Sender session |
sender_sink.h | Sender sink pipeline |
sender_slot.h | Sender slot |
state_tracker.h | Pipeline state tracker |
transcoder_sink.h | Transcoder sink pipeline |
transcoder_source.h | Transcoder source pipeline |
► roc_rtcp | |
builder.h | RTCP packet builder |
bye_traverser.h | RTCP interface structures |
cname.h | CNAME utilities |
communicator.h | RTCP communicator |
composer.h | RTCP packet composer |
config.h | RTCP config |
headers.h | RTCP headers |
iparticipant.h | RTCP participant |
loss_estimator.h | Loss estimator |
ntp.h | RTCP-specific NTP helpers |
packet_counter.h | Packet counter |
parser.h | RTCP packet parser |
participant_info.h | Participant info |
print_packet.h | Print RTCP packet to console |
reporter.h | RTCP reporter |
reports.h | RTCP reports |
rtt_estimator.h | Round-trip time estimator |
sdes.h | SDES elements |
sdes_traverser.h | Sdes enums |
traverser.h | RTCP packet traverser |
xr_traverser.h | XR Traverser |
► roc_rtp | |
composer.h | RTP packet composer |
encoding.h | RTP encoding |
encoding_map.h | RTP encoding map |
filter.h | RTP filter |
headers.h | RTP headers |
identity.h | RTP participant identity |
link_meter.h | RTP link meter |
parser.h | RTP packet parser |
sequencer.h | RTP packet sequencer |
timestamp_extractor.h | Extracts capture timestamp field from packets |
timestamp_injector.h | Fills capture timestamp field in packets |
► roc_sdp | |
connection_data.h | Connection field in a SDP |
media_description.h | SDP Media Description |
media_transport.h | SDP media transport protocol |
media_type.h | SDP media description type |
parser.h | Parser for the Session Description Protocol |
session_description.h | Session Description Protocol |
► roc_sndio | |
► target_pulseaudio | |
► roc_sndio | |
pulseaudio_backend.h | Pulseaudio backend |
pulseaudio_device.h | PulseAudio device |
► target_sndfile | |
► roc_sndio | |
sndfile_backend.h | SndFile backend |
sndfile_extension_table.h | Sndfile driver map |
sndfile_sink.h | SndFile sink |
sndfile_source.h | Sndfile source |
► target_sox | |
► roc_sndio | |
sox_backend.h | SoX backend |
sox_sink.h | SoX sink |
sox_source.h | SoX source |
backend_dispatcher.h | Backend dispatcher |
backend_map.h | Backend map |
config.h | Sink and source config |
device_state.h | Device state |
device_type.h | Device type |
driver.h | Driver types |
ibackend.h | Backend interface |
idevice.h | Device interface |
isink.h | Sink interface |
isource.h | Source interface |
print_supported.h | Print supported schemes and formats |
pump.h | Pump |
wav_backend.h | WAV backend |
wav_header.h | WAV header |
wav_sink.h | WAV sink |
wav_source.h | WAV source |
► roc_status | |
code_to_str.h | Format status code to string |
status_code.h | Status codes |